Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good night, Wednesday

From glass alabaster she poured out the depths of her soul.
O foot of Christ would you wait if her harlotry's known?
Falls a tear to darken the dirt
Of humblest offerings to forgive the hurt.
She is strong enough to stand in your love.
I can hear her say..I am weak.
I am poor, I'm broken Lord but I'm yours.
Hold me Now. Hold me Now.
Let he without sin cast the first stone if you will
To say that my bride isn't worth half the blood that I've spilled.
Point your finger and laugh if you choose to say my beloved is borrowed and used-
She is strong enough to stand in my love.

1 comment:

jesse elisabeth said...

i LOVE this song (and jennifer knapp). i sang it as a duet with a friend this summer..

it's SUCH a gooder :D

<3 you


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