Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Okay, okay, yeah!

In a school year, there is only one first day of school and I'm pretty sure this is a good thing for everyone.  As one friend once put it, "You know, you come home, have a good cry, and then it gets better."

I came home, had a glass of wine and made cookies.
I also wrote notes on my class lists, made a plan for tomorrow being mindful of the messes of today, jotted down some ideas for my elective, and worked on the online graduate course I'm taking.  Yeah, I signed up for that before the madness of first year teaching ("the grind" as one professor tactfully put it) was an option.  So far, so good, but I'm foreseeing a decline in my social life in the near future... (this is also my public apology for not replying to emails lately). 

I'm still so so excited to be a teacher this fall and I know it'll get better.  I've got some cool kids in my classes and I like my subject.  If I can just make it through this week...

I could go over everything again, and wonder why but
I don’t think that’ll give an answer to me anymore, cause
Now I’ve learned some things just refuse to come to the light, and
It’s okay, okay, yeah
I said okay, okay, yeah

1 comment:

re said...

i'm so excited you get to be a teacher!
proud of you - hang in there. it's so true about the first day... who'd have thought that teachers get syllabus shock, too!?
cookies and win = no fair. :-)
love you


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