Thursday, June 18, 2009

Isn't it remarkable

that people would run to the streets to illegally protest when they've been warned with consequences,

and those with the freedom to protest rarely do so?

1 comment:

Bob Krave said...

that's cuz those with the freedom to protest also have freedom in other areas that the people without the freedom to protest don't have. which leaves the people with freedom to protest nothing to protest about. the people without these other freedoms however have things to protest about, so they protest.

on the other hand, possible the people with freedom to protest are just dumb for not protesting because they do in fact have some things to protest about for this world is not perfect. either that or they are wise enough to realize that protesting isn't the best way to get change accomplished and the protesters are simply wasting their time and the non-protesters are getting things changed and accomplished, which is why they have nothing to protest about. if in fact they have nothing to protest about.

i hope that wasn't confusing. =)


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